Why expand your business in Canberra

The creative energy around business in Canberra makes our city the perfect place to expand. We’re progressive, collaborative and welcoming of new people and ideas.

Canberra is a great place for business collaboration. We’re educated, savvy, forward-looking and community minded. It’s easy to get around our city. Easy to meet people and access connections. All this makes Canberra the platform to expand your business.

You’ll work with the brightest people

We attract thinkers, artists, students and visionaries. There is talent everywhere. With the highest level of degrees per capita and bright graduates in our leading universities, you’ll have talented candidates to build your teams.

A connected and innovative city

Our city is globally connected through strong trade links. Canberra’s proximity to the federal government offers opportunities to access national trade mission programs more easily. This includes Austrade’s TradeStart program.

There’s genuine support for innovation through trials and applied research. Canberra is a progressive test bed for new technologies. We’re a relatively small city with an educated, progressive population open to fresh ideas and disruptive models. Developers chose Canberra as the test bed for:

  • CANdrive automated vehicles
  • Wing Aviation LLC (Wing) drone deliveries

You can access business, talent and local knowledge easily here. We have open, collaborative and thriving networks.

Our government is young and progressive

There’s just a single level of local government, and a corresponding lack of red tape. This means businesses face fewer regulatory barriers getting the approvals they need.

The ACT Government is committed to providing simple, sustainable and supportive policies and legislation. Canberra’s leaders prioritise the economic, environmental and social growth of the city. There are programs and grants available to help you set up and grow your business.

Our city

Spending less time on your daily commute frees your time. Relax, think, mix with others and let creativity and productivity flourish.

The city is home to Australia’s biggest buyer of services and products – the Australian Government.

Canberra provides a wealth of business and employment potential in a range of areas. Our key industry sectors are thriving. These include:

There are strong prospects in the fields of:

  • consulting
  • contracting
  • national security
  • administration

We have a team of local experts ready to help. Call +61 2 6207 3037 or email investcanberra@act.gov.au

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Programs & support

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Innovate ideas & applications

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Canberra Innovation Network

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Interested in doing business in Canberra?

Contact the business team for information and advice.