Why start a business in Canberra

Canberra embraces new businesses.

Canberra is a great place to start a new business. We have:

  • an easy commute
  • lower rents than other capital cities on the eastern seaboard
  • strong sustainability targets
  • a highly educated talent pool
  • government support for new business

Our local innovation ecosystem is highly interconnected. We have strong Research and Development credentials. Recognising this, the ACT Government established the Canberra Innovation Network (CBRIN) in 2014. The Network is supported by 6 leading higher education and research institutions. It hosts more than 250 business innovation events each year.

Business loves a strong economy

Canberra is the ideal choice to start or grow a business. Our economy is strong:

  • We have a solid AAA credit rating, making this a stable place to do business.
  • We’ve seen a 30% increase in the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services sectors.
  • Of the Eastern states, we have the highest Gross State Product (GSP) per capita and Gross Household Disposable Income per capita.
  • Our unemployment rate is the lowest of any city in Australia.

There’s strong business confidence here. Our construction and housing industries are expanding. Urban renewal projects contribute to consistently high liveability ratings. We function on 100% renewable energy. And we’re a popular test bed for innovation.

Join our resourceful networks

Canberrans are innovators. We’re ready to make the most of opportunities and we’ll always try new ideas.

ACT economic resources are strong. It’s possible to access capital and there’s a thriving innovation network. Our infrastructure is well established and makes doing business easy.

You’ll find the Canberra lifestyle inspiring. Our cultural heritage is deep and we have a strong community focus. Canberra’s natural beauty inspires creativity and gives you somewhere to go to think. People with business minds thrive here.

For more details, refer to our section on Living in Canberra.

Become part of our intellectual capital

Our city is brimming with ideas and Canberrans have the skills and resources to make them happen. We’re on the cutting edge of emerging technologies and innovative applications.

The ACT has a highly educated workforce. We value knowledge, and there’s ready access to research collaborations and business networks.

Leaders make smart decisions about our direction, backed by evidence and a desire to do good.

Connect and foster relationships

Canberrans succeed because they come together. Our region is a place where you can build a world-class network through business connections.

Share your life with smart, driven people. Build partnerships that solve problems. Many of our best ideas emerge from collaboration across sectors:

  • we’re globally connected through trade links
  • we have direct international flights
  • we’re close to Government, so we contribute to decisions that shape Australia
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Living in Canberra

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Intellectual capital

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Business networking

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Interested in doing business in Canberra?

Contact the business team for information and advice.