A thriving tech sector

Leveraging our knowledge capital and close connections to universities and research institutes, technology is an area where we easily showcase our strengths and capabilities.


Canberra has an established defence business network and is the best place in Australia for opportunities in the defence sector.

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Canberra’s played a critical role in some of the biggest events in international space exploration.

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Cyber security

Canberra is leading the Australian cyber security industry, deploying our highly skilled workforce, infrastructure, research institutions and proximity to government to strengthen national security organisations.

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Canberra’s agri-technology sector is growing fast and has many investment opportunities.

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Renewable energy

Canberra is a leading Asia Pacific centre for renewable energy and niche cleantech solutions. We’re Asia Pacific’s most progressive territory in moving towards a low-carbon…

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ICT and e-Gov

Canberra is one of Australia’s leading centres for information and communications technologies.

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Education and tourism

These billion dollar sectors attract people from around the world to explore what our city has to offer, from stunning scenery, to world-class institutions and a thriving research community.

Innovation & tertiary education

Canberra is the innovation and education capital of Australia.

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Canberra’s $2 billion tourism industry is flourishing, offering opportunities for investment in accommodation and other tourism services.

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Interested in doing business in Canberra?

Contact the business team for information and advice.