Innovation & tertiary education

Canberra is the innovation and education capital of Australia.

The tertiary education, training and research sector is one of our strengths.

The sector:

  • accounts for around 8% of the economy
  • contributes $3.3 billion in value add
  • supports 20,000 jobs
  • trains about 64,000 tertiary students

Our 5 university campuses are all ranked among the best in the world. Along with the Canberra Institute of Technology, they have strong employer satisfaction and graduate outcomes. One in 6 people here work or study at a tertiary education or research institution.

This sector drives new knowledge creation for the Canberra economy. International education links underpin around one-third of this creation. The sector is responsible for Canberra’s largest export at $1 billion in 2019.

As a proportion of the ACT economy, the innovation and higher education sector is around 3 times the national average. It’s well above our population and GDP shares.

Canberra’s universities

We’re home to Australia’s highest-ranked university. The Australian National University is also consistently rated as one of the top universities in the world. It has multi-disciplinary expertise.

The University of Canberra is one of the most highly rated young universities in Australia. It’s one of the fastest rising in the world.

UNSW Canberra recently announced a new $1 billion campus in Canberra. This will see us host our second prestigious university that’s part of the ‘Group of Eight‘. These ‘Group of 8’ universities are Australia’s leading research-intensive universities.

Other universities with campuses in Canberra include:

Technical and Vocational Education

Trusted public TAFE provider, Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), provides vocational education. CIT students will soon benefit from a new $250 million state-of-the-art campus in the Woden Town Centre. Construction is due to start in 2022.

There are also many specialised Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) here.

A centre of excellence for research and development

Our strengths in education also contribute to our performance in innovation and entrepreneurship. A recent report from the Commonwealth Government’s Chief Economist found that Canberra was Australia’s highest performing area on measures of innovation and entrepreneurship. This included:

  • business spending on research and development
  • patent and trademark applications
  • business entries

Canberra’s education and research institutions also attract more than 10% of Australia’s national funding for research and development. Together, Canberra’s tertiary education and research partners lead Australia in the development of several key capability areas. These include:

  • agricultural and environmental sciences
  • ICT and government services
  • defence
  • cyber security
  • space and spatial science
  • renewable energy technologies

To sustain a high research output and to support innovation, commercialisation and postgraduate student placements, industry collaborates with research institutes. These include:

A nationally recognised community of innovation

Funded by the ACT Government, the Canberra Innovation Network (CBRIN) supports and promotes an innovation community. This brings together:

  • world-class researchers
  • entrepreneurs and start-ups
  • innovation companies of all sizes
  • accelerator programs
  • investors
  • venture capitalists

CBRIN also provides mentoring, funding and co-working spaces. It makes good use of other ACT Government programs. These include investment attraction programs and international engagement strategies.

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Interested in doing business in Canberra?

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